I will Run to You
I Will Run To You - Lyric
Your eye is on the sparrow
And Your hand, it comforts me
From the ends of the Earth to the depth of my heart
Let Your mercy and strength be s...
Mighty To Save
Mighty to Save - Lyric
Everyone needs compassion
Love that’s never failing
Let mercy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness
The kindness of a Saviour
The hope of nations
Consume Me
DC Talk - Consume Me
Lovely traces
I can sense You in everything
The way that You move me
Takes me far away
I seek no escape
I'm dreaming through Your eyes
I am wandering thro...
Dc Talk
My Friend So Long - Lyric
I heard your record on the telephone
It was my cousin, Joan
She picked it up in the top 40 rack and then
I read your interview in Rolling Stone
Supernatural - Lyric
This world's a tortured place to be
So many things to torment me
And as I stumble down this road it takes a toll
These days and nights I turn to You
No human...
Jesus Freak
Jesus Freak - Lyric
What will people think
When they hear that I'm a Jesus Freak?
What will people do
When they find that's it's true?]
Separated, I cut myself clean
From a pas...
In The Light
In The Light - Lyric
I keep trying to find a life
On my own, apart from You
I am the king of excuses
I've got one for every selfish thing I do
What's going on inside of me?
I de...
Dc Talk
Between You And Me - Lyric
It's just between you and me]
Sorrow is a lonely feeling
Unsettled is a painful place
I've lived with both for far too long now
Since we've parte...
So Help Me God
So Help Me God - Lyric
I got something for you, man]
Bombarded by philosophies that satisfy the surface
I flee to something deeper
At the risk of seeking purpose
How can I ha...
Jesus Is Still Alright - Lyric
Do do do dupe dupe
Do do do dupe
Do do do dupe dupem dupe dopem do
Jesus is still alright with me
Jesus is still alright, oh yeah
What if I stumble - Lyric
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today
Is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips
Then walk out the door and deny him by their lif...
Godsend - Lyric
Hoping, praying, I've been waiting
Everybody needs somebody to love
There's no question, straight from heaven
You're my angel, I'm so crazy for you