Hope of the World - Lyric
For the love poured out
For the price of freedom
Let the whole earth sing
Hear the praises rising
We stand in awe of what you've done for us
At the cross
Father We Come So Aware
Taste of Eternity - Lyric
Father we come so aware
Of all that You've done
Of all that You are
Nothing above
No, none compare
So Father, we come here
The taste of...
Take My Love
Take My Love - Lyric
Take my lovin' take all of me
Take my lovin' take all of me
Take my lovin' take all take all of me
Take my love take my love
Take my sweet sweet love
Afterlife - Lyrics
I´m Ready Now
I've tasted fire
I'm ready to come alive
I can't just shut it up
And think that I'm alright
I'm ready now
I'm not waiting for the afterlife
I'll let it bu...
Grace Looks Like
What Grace Looks Like - Lyrics
It's the sun coming out when you didn't expect it
Finding your way when you needed direction
We see it in so many ways
It's a cold glas...
Open My Hands
Open My Hands - Lyric
I believe in a blessing I don't understand
I’ve seen rain fall on wicked and the just
Rain is no measure of his faithfulness
He withholds no good thing ...