March 14, 202509:38:42 PM

DC Talk
Mind´s Eye

Mind's Eye (Live) - Lyric

You know what I'm going through
I know that it's true
Cause you've stood in my shoes
Desire's inside of me
But, it's hard to believe
In what you cannot see
Can you catch the wind?
See a breeze?
It's presence is revealed by
the leaves on a tree
An image of my faith in the unseen
In my mind's eye
I see Your face
You smile
As You show me grace
In my mind's eye
You take my hand
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We walk through foreign lands
The foreign lands of life
In my mind
I'm where I belong
As I rest in Your arms
And like a child I hold on to you
In my moment of truth
We can ride the storm
Endure the pain
You comfort me in my hurricane
And I'll never be alone again
Can you catch the wind?
Can you see the breeze?
In my mind I can see Your face
Love pours down in a shower of grace
Life is a gift that You choose to give
And I believe that we eternally live
Faith is the evidence of things unseen
People tell me that
You're just a dream
But they don't know you
the way that I do
You're the one I live to pursue

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